Backpack - is a component that allows you to stack any items into the number of columns you need.

Prefab - object which you want to stack.
Items Offset - offset between items in column.
Columns List - a list of transforms of the starting spawn point for each column.
Max Items Per Column - maximum number of objects per column.
Default Items Count - number of objects that will be shown at start.
ADVICE: We advise you to add the script backpack to the player, so you will be more comfortable in the future to contact the backpack and add or decrease items.
1. How to change items count? - Get the link to the backpack and change the ItemsCount value in any way convenient to you.
[SerializeField] private Backpack _backpack;
private void Start()
_backpack.ItemsCount = 10;
_backpack.ItemsCount += 10;
_backpack.ItemsCount -= 10;
If your script and your backpack script are hanging on the same game object, you can do so.
private void Start()
var backpack = GetComponent<Backpack>();
2. How to get maximum items count? - Backpack.MaxItemsCount keeps this value.
[SerializeField] private Backpack _backpack;
private void Start()
if (_backpack.ItemsCount == _backpack.MaxItemsCount)
Debug.Log("Backpack is full.");