Progress Bar - component with flexible settings, with it you can make progress bar by using different image modes Simple, Sliced, Filled.

Canvas Group - link to canvas group required for UI Element.
Set Image Manually - allow you to select progress line image manually.
Image - progress line image.
Use Text - enables showing progress.
Text - text where progress shows.
Is Health Bar - shows the value and maximum value in the text
Text Format - option allows you to add your text to the value. The variables in parentheses are those that are then replaced with real values, and between them you can write any text. For example: {0} seconds; {0}/{1}.
Max Value - maximum progress bar value.
Value - current value.
1. How to change value? - Get a progress bar link in any way you like and use SetProgress();
[SerializeField] private ProgressBar _progressBar;
private void Start()
//SetProgress(value, maxValue);
_progressBar.SetProgress(10, 20);
2. How to reset value? - Use ResetValues();
private void Start()
var progressBar = GetComponent<ProgressBar>();