We hope that we have succeeded in simplifying you the process of creating levels and it will not take you long. You can watch the video to understand more about creating levels or read the article, at your convenience.
To create a level, you need to follow a few simple steps:
1. Open Level Editor
2. If you want to add or change something in exist level click Continue, or Create new level.
3. Select level design or if you already have spawned and want to skip this step you can click Continue.
4. Select the color which you like and click Next. (You can change colors or add yours in Level Editor Settings)
5. Here you can add environment objects: enemies, walls, prisoners and bombs. Also you can change player spawner point by clicking Select player spawner and changing the position.
Learn more about enemy with navigation setup:
Move enemy to start point and click Set start point, then move enemy to end point and click Set end point, after that click Move to start point. Stand still time the time that the enemy stands at the point where he came.
Also you can change moving speed by changing Speed:
Learn more about enemy with gun setup:
You can change the number of shots that the enemy can fire, turn speed to the player, scatter angle when aiming, aiming time, it's better not to change the correction angle for no reason.
You can change bomb explosion force:
Setup of moving wall it's the same as setup of enemy with navigation:
6. Next step is setup level settings. Open level settings.
Here you can set player weapons (can be more than one) and used cartridges count for one, two and three stars.
Don't confuse the new level settings and the already created one. For example, the new level with Id = 21 will be Element 20. Also the first weapon is the one at the bottom of the list.
7. Because of the features of the new Unity, you will need to manually generate light. To do this, open Window/Rendering/Lighting
And click Generate Lighting.
8. Add new scene to Build Settings/Scenes In Build.
Click Add Open Scenes.
Note that there should be no deleted scenes in the list. If there are any, it will not work properly.
8. Let's test it!
Done! You can test the level and change something.