We tried to describe the work with components in detail, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in comments!)
1. View the preview scenes to understand how the components work. Use the resolution 1920x1080 to display the UI correctly.
2. Settings and documentation can be easily opened through this menu.

3. The amount of game resources can be easily changed for testing. Enable the Test Mode and set the required value for the required resource.

How to change renderer pipeline?
Player Movement - moves the player with a joystick.
Player Animations - controls the player’s animations.
Player Camera - follows player.
Trigger - allows you to easily limit with tags who to work on.
Placement - same as trigger only with delay and progress bar.
Backpack - stacks any items into the number of columns you need.
Special Backpack - stacks several kinds of elements, and set it in a position you want.
Pointer Arrow - sets the position of the arrow relative to the player and rotates it to the target.
Buyable Item - a simple component to help organise an unlimited purchase of something.
Unlockable Item - a simple component that can help you to create object which can be unlocked one time.
Upgradable Item - a simple component that helps to create upgrades panel items. Have maximum upgrades limit.
UI Element - an abstract script created to simplify the use of UI panels and windows.
Save System - a simple singleton class that can load and save PlayerData in PlayerPrefs.
Resources System - a simple singleton class that helps you to perform resource operations.